

Japanese New Year's Day is a time to gently fill your body and
soul with OSECHI, New Year's dishes.


I took a cruise ship for the first time in my life.
I really got to relax and recharge my batteries with enjoying the extraordinary days.


Our trip to Tohoku began with a welcome from Camellia japonica.

You can see the "Miharu Takizakura", the waterfall-looking cherry blossoms, at the age
of more than 1000.  You must be overwhelmed by it's breatahtaking life force.


Let's live to the fullest !

You can smell of the sweetbrier or Hamanasu
in the early summer sea breeze.


In Genoa, we were thrilled to pass by the house where
Columbus had spent his boyhoood.

その他(All the others)(24) So beautiful, the endless longing for the skay.
